3AMK summer school is an intensive online course for Master´s degree students. It was organised by three universities of applied sciences Finland (Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia). The topic of the course was ”Leadership Skills for a Changing World”.

In 2022 the course was organized in August. The course covered important topics for our times such self-leadership, inclusion and diversity, storytelling and collaborative practices, managing cultural change, and workplaces that lead through autonomous and empowered self-organized members and teams.

The course completed group of 32 students and their feedback was generally very positive. The following comment was received among course feedback: “The course has been one of the best I have attended. A lot of practical knowledge and easy to understand concepts. For a short week I have learnt a lot and I really appreciate the timely approach and pleasant encouraging from the lecturers and pleasant teachings from them.” The word cloud is formed from the student feedback.

Author: LAUREA